Gonzalo Fernández Castaño (-3) is in the fight for the win in an Andalucía Valderrama Masters where uncertainty is rewarded. The golfer from Madrid had barely played seven holes in the second round, with a partial of one under par in the first round, which he finished this morning, and a spectacular two under par in the afternoon.
Gonzalo is two shots away from the leader, Ashley Chesters (-5), and one away from Marc Warren (-4), the best golfer of those who were on the course when an electric storm hit just after five thirty in the afternoon, which definitively suspended play.
Precisely when the course was most ferocious, which is what Gonzalo asked for, he played the best. And the wind was blowing strong this afternoon.
The best demonstration of his solid play was his finale before the suspension. He was playing on the 17th hole, and he hit an extraordinary second shot. A 4 iron from 237 yards. He created an option for eagle tomorrow from four meters away.
All of the aforementioned is great news, seeing as how it’s impossible to know how the tournament will end up. In fact, finishing after 36 holes has not been discarded.